I have always been fascinated by the yin yang symbol. There is something in it that attracts me, and makes me pause the work i am doing, and notice it. Numerous thoughts occur in my mind and i can go on gazing it for hours together. I am still not able to figure out what makes me feel that its the most mysterious symbol ever.

I googled yin yang and got various meanings and definitions. The basic meaning is this: Yin is the black and yang is the white. Yin and yang are complementary to each other. Often they represent the two primal cosmic forces in the universe. Yin (moon) is the receptive, passive, cold female force. Yang (sun) is masculine- force, movement, heat. It represents the idealized harmony of these forces i.e., equilibrium in the universe.
My take on this symbol is different. Although i am referring to a different concept, i dont intend to disagree with the original definition and I am in no way want to comment negatively or change the real meaning. Below are only my views. The first thought i get when i look at it, is that, the yin, the black one, makes me think about those wicked people, but if you observe closely, u can see a white circle on the yin, which according to me means, every wicked person has a white side as well. There will be definitely certain things which will move his heart. And similarly, the yang, the white one, will have a dark side as well, which is represented by the small black circle.
Basically, if I may summarize, nothing and nobody is perfect. I am sure we all know this phrase, we all are aware that we are also sinners sometimes, but still we sit and judge about the other person's way of leading life. There is always a certain point in our lives which makes us say to ourselves that the other person is wrong and if i were in his/her place i would have handled better. "Everybody knows how the other person should lead their lives but knows nothing about their own."
The main mistake we do is that, instead of thinking more about ourselves, we tend to think a lot about others. We need to first balance our lives, stop giving judgements, and move on to improvise ourselves. How much ever we think we are the perfect ones or the better ones, there is always a dark side. Will the entire dark side turn completely into white I dont know but I hope it does one day.
Every person lives in grey shades, its up to us, whether we want to paint black to our grey to finally make it darker or whether we want to paint white to our grey and turn it into whiter.
For further ideas : http://everything2.com/title/Yin%2520Yang