I feel a resonating harmony inside myself; as if an aura of peace has encircled me. At this point, I want to quote Wayne Dyer’s quote – “You are doomed to make choices. This is life's greatest paradox.” Well Mr.Dyer, I agree with your paradoxical statement but I don’t want to believe in the ‘disaster’ synonym of ‘doom’. But come to think of it, these stepping stones that I am building for myself might one day attempt a cartwheel to ultimately fall into a deep pit. It can definitely go on and prove to be a doom, in the future. I, after all, a mortal human cannot foresee the future. But the fact that I truly enjoyed putting every piece together to form a stone, will give me the utmost satisfaction.
My Professor called me into her office today and gave me Indian food and the related ingredients, right at the time when we were running out of things at home. How did this happen? I don’t know how things just happen to happen for the good. I silently retreated to a spot where no one could see me, and cried for a really long time. Why did I cry? I have no idea! I was way too overwhelmed to think of a reason why I was shedding tears.
The other day, I am sitting in a restaurant and wishing that I hear an instrumental version, of my most favourite song (I can’t stop thanking Mallika for introducing me to ‘the’ song), and voila! The instrumental version appears right before we leave. My heart started racing and I couldn’t stop shoving myself at the counter to beg for the hotel manager to give me the song. (I did eventually get the song from him – the laptop and pen drive happened to be there at the right time!) Why did my heart start racing? Again, I have no idea. I was too dazed to even think how the song I connect so deeply for no reason, could overpower me with emotions. It goes on to show, how music has a profound effect on all of us.
I attended a meditation workshop today, and when I was working on this abstract concept of ‘connecting with my inner advisors’ as directed by the counselor, I saw that my inner advisors were creatures that were totally unexpected. There was my dog; a beautiful shining sun with clear cut features, and this entirely outer space being that seemed extremely cute and reciprocated the best among the three. Where did we meet you ask? Oh! It was a beautiful place. I don’t know if it was the effect of the counselor’s way of making us connect with our inner self, but it was a surreal experience how I could switch into a fine-looking personal space which, felt like that was already built and was just waiting for me to step in; and the fact that suddenly the above three ‘beings’ appear; and finally how I drifted into the flow of the counselor’s power of speech. Meditation has always had good effects on me. I just made a mental note to practice it more often.
Situations like my Program Director emailing me amidst her busy schedule to ask when my Sitar performance is, makes me want to celebrate!

Maybe I am too grateful about my life. Or maybe, there are so many things worth extending gratitude for. I was talking to a senior person today about gratitude and its implications on life and he mentions me that it has proven to be the ‘master’ strength. But there have been instances when this strength has turned into a weakness for me. A trivia to share – I maintain a gratitude journal.
I can clearly see my purpose taking a shape. It is very far away, but I can see it clearly. I want to go as close as possible, as soon as possible, to fill in the finishing touches. The fact that I found it after years of searching is unnerving and comforting on the same.
One question is lingering in my mind - is the HIDDEN dream going to unveil itself? I want to be the person, who says one day, that she is “living the dream”.
Very nice...
The idea of a gratitude journal is so beautiful!
Yes,some simple happenings touch us deeply. Like how for me getting a call or a msg from someone soon after remembering them. It gives me an amazing feeling. :)
It is simply amazing:):)
Way to go:-),liked reading your perspective about "Gratitude".True,sometimes smaller things of no consequence can make great deal of difference to your life.
Nice post. It helped me to think of the small things that i often ignored :)
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