After shopping for an hour, we get tired and start drinking a can of coke. We roam around doing window shopping. A handicapped beggar comes in front of us. He is helplessly begging, merely to earn a living. Although i don't encourage begging, i feel handicapped people lack the strength to work by themselves and hence get into begging. STRIKE TWO. Again life has proved, how biased it is.
I finish my shopping and we excitedly discuss about our clothes and what other good stuff we missed because of less budget. We all decide to go to a restaurant for dinner and as i am nearing my vehicle i shoot a glance at the bookseller. He is busy selling his books and the handicapped beggar is doing his job. They all seem to have got adjusted to their daily routine. I decide to forget about them and get onto my vehicle. We all are merrily chatting as we ride and stop at a signal. Hundreds of people start walking on the zebra crossing. Some are walking hastily, some slowly; some are busy in selling before the signal runs out, but the one common thing i see in ALMOST everyone of them, is the dream in their eyes, to strive hard for wealth. I believe that money isn't everything but can i deny the fact that one cannot lead life with insufficient money? STRIKE THREE. I am so distrait in my thoughts that i don't even see the green signal. After a few of them honk horns at me, i come back to this world, forget everything again and move on.

Looking at all these instances, in just a few hours i realize I've so much with me to thank god for. I learnt that i shouldn't sink if life throws a fastball at me. Instead of getting strikeout, i should whack the ball hard and make it a home run (speaking in Baseball terms!!). I agree we are all incapable to help these people but at least we can make our lives worthwhile by recognizing the happiness around us and making the very best use of god's gifts.......
Magal, very nice blog kane, I just love the words you have used strike 1, strike 2 etc.. Keep it up Dhu
Kudos!..awaiting your poetic posts..
just for a movement can we compare our life from the baseball to squash because in baseball we are the ability to take chance but in squash we were getting hitted by destiny.we are here to do nothing.
sindhu d artice s awesome. i read it properly today. good job..
sindhu very good one... awesome!!! this is what u were trying to make me understand d other day right?? V shall do something for such kinda helpless ppl ok... v shall help them.. don worry...
nice blog article you have there,girl.
Just read it on the papers.
'Tis a gem..keep it up.
God bless
hi sindhu, a very well articulated post which clearly reflects your sensibility ,it sure deserved to be published in the paper.congraattts again !!keep rocking!
Hey i read this blog on bangalore mirror......very well written & very much realistic......keep it up.....nice comparisons
cool blog
hi sindhu hope u remember me... i cant belive tat its u who is writting al this.. i mean al of 'em are fantastic.. loved every line of it.. now i feel LIFE IS SO DAMN SHORT!!!!
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