If there is something I do all the time while studying, listening to a lecture, or sitting idle, its doodle-ing. Its like scribbling something gives a break to my all-the-time-preoccupied mind. My mind is always working, making plans most of the time. I am sure there is nobody in this world who has made as many plans as me.
My favourite doodle has to be Hiranya Kashipu (my creation). It was in 9th std that I created him.
My favourite doodle has to be Hiranya Kashipu (my creation). It was in 9th std that I created him.
He incidentally has most of my dream boy's features.
Good looking eyes, Hairy, always a wide smile; but he looks more like a creature than a man. And the roots of his name go way back to my childh
ood, when I would listen to mythological stories from my maternal aunt. I always felt Hiranya Kashipu would be more suitable to a good soft-natured man, unlike the demoniac character in the Narasimha story.
There, thats him in the picture.Good looking eyes, Hairy, always a wide smile; but he looks more like a creature than a man. And the roots of his name go way back to my childh

According to Reader's Digest, people who doodle on the left side of a page think more about their past, and people who doodle on the right think more about their future. People who doodle geometric shapes are mostly thinkers, and those of the flower-leaf types are found to be creative.

But me,
I doodle on the left,
I doodle on the right,
I doodle in the center,
I doodle everywhere.
Any white space on a paper, that will be my doodle space.

But me,
I doodle on the left,
I doodle on the right,
I doodle in the center,
I doodle everywhere.
Any white space on a paper, that will be my doodle space.
And I draw most of the things, stars, triangles, flowers, leaf patterns, faces... When I am happy, most of my doodles are smiling faces, when I am sad its the stars, when I am bored its the flowers, when I have nothing to do its the snow man and funny looking men. And then there is the letter 'S'. I reckon this is the most common doodle - the starting letter of the name, or a signature. And the most common areas would be the last pages of a notebook.

You wont see me study without doodles. Doodling soothes my mind. Be it on benches or books or my foot ( yes, I am weird enough to draw on my feet). Every studying session is doodle time for me. But doodling is also accompanied with a great deal of remorse sometimes, that I am wasting so much of paper on meaningless scribbles. But I feel guilty for all sorts of things. For instance, I feel my blog's background has to be Black, since a Black web page consumes less power than a white one. Being guilty for not being green. Nevertheless, I can never stop doodling.

i love doodling too..i usually draw super heroes or try to draw some cute girls..dunno y but i keep drawing circles over circles..well as u said doodling depends on the mood..anyhow a nice and cute blog...
Thanks Kedar.. And circles over circles seems interestin :)
well i do doodling on the right hand top corner of the page .....all the time...and i draw geometric shapes and of course planes...whats that supposed to mean :) and u dont turn off ur PC...right???
The only doodle i am always obsessed with is drawing the vague outlines of a woman's face; otherwise end up doing notorious doodles for fun like drawing Bindi and earrings on a male model's face ,Mustache and beard on female model's face on magazine covers :):D.
so u have ended up doing thesis work on doodles with ur post i guess :) nice reading it :)
even i keep doodling while studying.. n i've been doing it since my childhood.. n yes doodling really does depend on mood.. i've experienced it.. i draw bikes n superheros when in good mood.. otherwise i draw guns n characters like bart simpson n joker from batman.. very nice n interesting blog sindhu.. :)
@ deepak, i have seen some of your plane doodles..n i guess ur doodles mean u think a lot about your future. n yeah i hardly turn off my pc..but now one good thing is i have a laptop, n i try to operated without puttin it on charge all the time
@ Jayu, i am so waiting to c ur notorious side :) n yup a thesis work on doodles is right, en kelsa heLu nange :) full bored..wasnt even gettin a matured topic to write for my blog..
@ kshitish, thanks :) n i guess most of the boys are into bikes, planes, superheroes doodles
i Enjoy Doodling. My usual doodle is a leaf. One of my friends called me Leafy cos of that. everywhere i wud draw a leaf.. Post is sweet ;)Sindhu..
doodling on paper is creativity doodling on mind is hallucination ;)
keep the doodle doodling :)
nice post
i do doodle all over the book n its mostly animals. does that mean something
look at the time when u replied for my comment.. its 7:47 :D
Hey just stumbled on ur blog.. :) Good one wonleee... I used to doodle on my old jeans that i used to wear while studying... The pant was filled with so many things... The funny part about that was it got so famous that all my friends near my house started doing the same..
Now to market my blog.. Please do visit.. :D
Well, I didnt know even doodling has so much to do with our perspectives and personalities... this was quite informative :) Happy Doodling :)
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